About Us

In 2014 in Warsaw, under an agreement, Polish Technology Platform of Bioeconomy was established. Its signatories were among others higher education institutions, research institutes, technological parks and enterprises.

Both sides of the agreement, understanding the importance of the development of bioeconomy, have initiated a cooperation in order to integrate scientific, research and business institutions to establish the most important development pathways in the bioindustry. One of the Platform’s activities was the promotion of actions in terms of National Smart Specialization (NSS).

Our Mission

What is Bioeconomy?
Bioeconomy, according to existing policy papers (A Sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment. Updated Bioeconomy Strategy.), covers all sectors and systems based on biological resources - animals, plants, microorganisms, and biomass, including organic waste, and their functions and regulations. It covers and connects: ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic, all sectors of primary production which use and produce biological resources (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture), and all economic and industrial sectors, which are using biological processes and resources to produce food, feed, bioproducts, energy and services.

Board of directors

Tomasz KAPELA – Chairperson
Danuta CIECHAŃSKA – Vice-chairperson
Marta KUTYNA-BAKALARSKA – Vice-chairperson
Stanisław Bielecki – Board member
Artur Bartkowiak – Board member
Krzysztof Biernat – Board member
Krzysztof Jóźwik – Członek Zarządu



Have questions, opinions or suggestions?
Contact us


email: klasterbiogospodarki@gmail.com
ul. Stefanowskiego 4/10, lok. 436
90-924 Łódź