About us
About us
What is bioeconomy?
Bioeconomy, according to the current EU strategic documents (A Sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment. Updated Bioeconomy Strategy.), covers all sectors and systems based on biological resources – animals, plants, microorganisms and biomass, including organic waste, their functions and principles. It includes and combines: terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the services they provide, all primary production sectors in which biological resources are used and produced (agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture); all sectors of the economy and industry that use biological resources and processes to produce food, feed, bio-based products and energy and to provide services (Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committees of the Regions, 2018). The strategic objectives for implementing current and future EU priorities according to the European Bioeconomy Strategy include:
The new bioeconomy strategy is part of efforts to create momentum for revitalizing jobs, economic growth and investment in the EU.
The aim is to increase the sustainable use of renewable resources to address global and local challenges such as climate change and sustainable development.
The BIC 2023 Trend Report draws attention to the fact that the bioeconomy is an economic and social model.
In a circular bioeconomy, biological resources are renewable as much as possible, sustainably managed, recovered and reused.
Implementing such a model in practice requires new paths of cooperation and innovation
The mission of the Association is primarily to create a common platform for dialogue and cooperation for the scientific community and entrepreneurship in the field of the broadly understood bioeconomy.
We represent a wide range of stakeholders from the world of science and business for whom issues such as bioeconomy, circular economy, waste management, climate change, protection of natural resources, and sustainable development are of wide interest and important in terms of the development of innovation, competitiveness and marketing attractiveness. This is what we want to discuss, educate and design our strategic and operational activities in this regard.
Strategic activities
- Implementation of own projects; projects implemented under national and international programs;
- Supporting individual initiatives of the Association’s partners;
- IIntegration and concentration of the environment related to the bioeconomy and related industries, especially scientific-business partnership;
- Supporting the activity of Polish partners in international projects;
- Advisory, consulting and lobbying activities;
- Organization and cooperation in pilot projects
- Marketing activities, cooperation in creating start-ups, hubs, network and cluster structures
- Organization of projects related to certification in the area of bioeconomy
Operating activities
- promoting beneficial solutions by developing good practices and business models for creating integrated cross-sector cooperation chains;
- cooperation with the administration in the field of expert support,
- cooperation in the creation of strategic documents in the area of bioeconomy and related industries;
- creation of national and international cooperation networks and development of interregional socio-economic activities,
The Association’s activities will be at the level of:
REGIONAL – cooperation platform, economic promotion of the region,
DOMESTIC – exchange of knowledge and experience, cooperation with state administration bodies, platform of ideas and contacts, consulting,
GLOBAL – international cross-sector cooperation.
About us - historically
In 2014, under an agreement, the Polish Bioeconomy Technology Platform was established in Warsaw. Its signatories included, among others: universities, research institutes, technology parks and enterprises. The parties to the Agreement, recognizing the importance of the development of the bioeconomy, have established cooperation in order to integrate the scientific, research and business communities to outline the most important directions of development in industries related to the bioeconomy. One of the Platform’s activities was the promotion of activities in the field of National Smart Specializations (NSSs).
In 2018, during the General Assembly, the Platform members decided to transform into an Association.
The Association Bioeconomy Cluster was registered in the National Court Register in 2019. It is a voluntary, self-governing association of natural persons and enterprises, scientific and research institutions, as well as other organizations called supporting members.
The motivation for the creation of the Association was the need to integrate and concentrate the scientific community and entrepreneurs operating in the field of bioeconomy, with particular emphasis on its cross-sectoral impact, covering the basic pillars of cooperation, i.e. innovation, education, entrepreneurship development and social communication.